Movie Mania?

Art is a form of expression, an expression of what lies within us, an expression of what we want the world to hear, what we want the world to see, an expression of how we see the world and what we see in it. When expressed clearly, it can affect more minds than some, it can burn down boundaries that it was built within, anger some but inspire many!
Indians have been deep into art for ages and have expressed it in their sculptures, paintings, scriptures, poetry, literature and many other ornate forms but the power of expression through media is a recent happening. "Art" movies haven't been uncommon but they were watched only by an elite few. Expression without reach is like a blog that is read only by the author :). Serves no purpose, I might just write stuff in word documents and store them safely!
I watched "Rang De Basanthi" for the second time today and I ended up with moist eyes, not because the patrons died at the end of the movie! I was sad because I have not been able to give anything to my motherland, have criticised it a few times and at a point when I have decided to join it back, I am not very comfortable! So little for so much from my side. I am sure that there are more people from India who share my sentiments and am sure that this has shaken their very heavy bodies. People who cannot go beyond the self are people who can never make a difference to this world. Rang De Basanthi has inspired many a people..a group of students from IITs have started Paritrana, a political party leaving all their hefty salaries. Demonstrations against terrorists and other offenders have been carried out in true 'Rang De Basanthi' style!! Kudos to Rakesh Omprakash Mehra for having directed such an excellent movie. Some pieces will never leave my mind
Koyi bhi desh perfect nahin hota, usse perfect banana padta hai!
Sue's grandfather saying " I always thought there were two kinds of people, people who died in silence, people who died crying and shrieking" and here he saw a third kind (basically dying in happiness!)
Everybody can be pushed so far, and after that they reach a limit. There, they are calm and are at peace with oneself and see and find the energy they never dreamt they had.
I have surely been moved. Let us see what I can move :).
Jai Hind!!!
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