Location: Dallas, Texas, United States

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Calvin, the genius brat!

Calvin n Hobbes is my favorite comix strip. Calvin's imagination has no bounds!
Calvin is an impulsive, imaginative, energetic, curious, intelligent, self-centered, and often selfish six-year-old :). Despite his low grades, Calvin has a wide vocabulary range that rivals that of an adult as well as an emerging philosophical mind.

Calvinistic predestination as a philosophical position basically entails the idea that human action plays no part in affecting a person's ultimate salvation or damnation. Calvin's consistent gripe is that the troublesome acts he commits are outside of his control: he is simply a product of his environment, a victim of circumstances. Well, don't we all do that :D..I really envy Hobbes, how I wish I were him :|

Calvin can relax a weary mind, bring a smile to a troubled heart and he just evokes loads of laughter out of me. Let me share a few smiles with you :| :) :L

Calvin's encounters with Susie, his mild-mannered, diligent, civilized classmate are hilarious...
Just take a peek ----------------->

Stay tuned to see some more and control that laughter :D

Calvin, the genius brat!


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