Blogging ?
The article in Time that I liked was about how women joining the Workforce in big numbers starting in the 1980s changed family dynamics. Men started contributing more than earlier and women started contributing lesser toward household chores. This fact was not surprising, in fact it was quite understandable. What was interesting was that parents(working parents) spent "more time" with their kids than others by cutting down on their sleep. Maybe, it was their guilt making them do more than normal. Another fact that came into light was that there was a considerable drop in the amount of time people spent with their near and dear(apart from the family).
And now for the comment by my wife..She said that, "My husband spends a lot of time on the internet (around 18 hours) and I get to know his feelings through his blogs!"..What she didn't realize was that she said this IN HER BLOG :D..
Now what do these two seemingly different things have in common? What struck me when I encountered these was the fact that in both these cases, the attempt has been to socialize (women going to work / blogging to reach out to the blogosphere), but what is weird is that this very attempt is probably making us spend lesser and lesser time with our "quality" circle. Is this good or bad ? I really cannot say. It all depends on how your friends perceive you to be and what they have to say :). For now, it is status quo for me, except for the fact that I am quite conscious about all the time I am spending on the internet!
How I wish a day had more than 24 hours/ I could co-exist in different places at the same time ...