Live and let Live
Microsoft has been trying very hard to get into the "search" business and recently came with a new version of it's search engine which looked quite impressive. It looks a lot like Google, but a little richer and boasts on providing very 'relevant' results...everybody does it these days :). The results page is similar to Google's and even the ads are unobstrusive. Google surely has set a precedent with user-friendly ads. You can take a look at to see what they have to offer.

Don't know if most of you have seen this, but Google surely has! Just go and search for search on and check the results. Microsoft search shows up first, even before it's own..Now, we know what's playing on their mind, don't we ..
Live and Let Live ?

Don't know if most of you have seen this, but Google surely has! Just go and search for search on and check the results. Microsoft search shows up first, even before it's own..Now, we know what's playing on their mind, don't we ..
Live and Let Live ?
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