India's pathetic display
India has really entered the digital age now. Gizmos, gadgets, new-age technologies have become an accepted part of life. Cell phones have become necessities..companies are building business models around them. SMS, VOIP, Skype are mentioned in the same breath as cable TV. Our digital revolution has become so ubiquitous that our sportsmen have embraced it with open hands. I know sports and technology had a few associations but I never knew their relationship was so deep. Our cricketers are so enamored by this digital revolution that they have taken to it literally!!

Our performance in the current South Africa series has been pathetic, sub-par, dismal for lack of worser words...Batsmen mainly to blame for the shame what with the competition going on to score the lowest score possible...unfortunately they cannot score less than 0 which kind of is the reason why we haven't seen anybody emerge victorious...0's, 1's all around. Score of 20 looks awesome and personifies an Indian player with great determination, courage and mastery! Such is the plight!! Pitches and unfamiliar conditions were blamed for our misery, but for how long? We are going to play our world cup in similar conditions. Are we accepting defeat there already just because conditions might not be conducive? International standard players sieved from a population that is almost touching 2 billion which reminds me of one thing...Quantity never matters, it is quality that counts and we don't really come anywhere close...Our players are great on the books and better for excuses. Our current woes are attributed to our wretched coach (I don't like him a lot personally but blame him for this). We need a scapegoat, a reason to justify life and so in cricket.
What irked me the most was that even though we made rough weather of winning a 4-day match against a second rung team in South Africa, we were really celebrating it! I would actually curse our performance..In 2 innings we had around 400 runs and Pathan and Ganguly accounted for more than half of that!! Can it get worse? It sure can, but not a lot...Wonder who is going to talk some sense into our players and get them out of this rough patch, most of which I feel is self-inflicted...Indians (including me) have a confidence problem in general, we are self-conscious, evaluative and maybe a little submissive. Inspite of all this, the best part about us is that we have the power to shake all this off with our endless determination as is evident from our long freedom struggle. No other country could pull that off. In the same vein, I think our cricketers have the power to break their shackles, to play their natural game forgetting how pathetic they are and just start on a fresh slate. Give merit to every match and play it to the best of your potential.
All the best TEAM INDIA. Show us what we can do. Some of us draw encouragement, courage from your performance. Don't disappoint us. Show us you can fight like a tiger and WIN one for all your fans!

Our performance in the current South Africa series has been pathetic, sub-par, dismal for lack of worser words...Batsmen mainly to blame for the shame what with the competition going on to score the lowest score possible...unfortunately they cannot score less than 0 which kind of is the reason why we haven't seen anybody emerge victorious...0's, 1's all around. Score of 20 looks awesome and personifies an Indian player with great determination, courage and mastery! Such is the plight!! Pitches and unfamiliar conditions were blamed for our misery, but for how long? We are going to play our world cup in similar conditions. Are we accepting defeat there already just because conditions might not be conducive? International standard players sieved from a population that is almost touching 2 billion which reminds me of one thing...Quantity never matters, it is quality that counts and we don't really come anywhere close...Our players are great on the books and better for excuses. Our current woes are attributed to our wretched coach (I don't like him a lot personally but blame him for this). We need a scapegoat, a reason to justify life and so in cricket.
What irked me the most was that even though we made rough weather of winning a 4-day match against a second rung team in South Africa, we were really celebrating it! I would actually curse our performance..In 2 innings we had around 400 runs and Pathan and Ganguly accounted for more than half of that!! Can it get worse? It sure can, but not a lot...Wonder who is going to talk some sense into our players and get them out of this rough patch, most of which I feel is self-inflicted...Indians (including me) have a confidence problem in general, we are self-conscious, evaluative and maybe a little submissive. Inspite of all this, the best part about us is that we have the power to shake all this off with our endless determination as is evident from our long freedom struggle. No other country could pull that off. In the same vein, I think our cricketers have the power to break their shackles, to play their natural game forgetting how pathetic they are and just start on a fresh slate. Give merit to every match and play it to the best of your potential.
All the best TEAM INDIA. Show us what we can do. Some of us draw encouragement, courage from your performance. Don't disappoint us. Show us you can fight like a tiger and WIN one for all your fans!
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