A perfect escape

Life's happiness lies in some of it's most silent moments. Far from our deafening world, there is a sea of tranquility where every ray of light, every drop of water, every whiff of air and every smile on a face is fresh and pure. Every single moment spent gets you closer to yourself. The only noises you hear are the chirping of the birds, noises from leaves rustling and water moving. Life in a city distances us from all this and obscures us from enjoying nature in it's naked beauty. Cacaphony and Monotony have silenced our lives and have taken us away from our roots.
I had a tryst with nature over the weekend and realised that this new world was not really that far away! Just 200 miles from here, a wooden cabin in Broken Bow, Oklahoma was the perfect retreat for our tired souls. Every moment I spent there seemed very ideal. The trip was even more endearing because the fall colors had just set in making the atmosphere tranquil, beautiful and colorful. We even crossed a village that had just 300 occupants, 20 of whom we met in a gas station. Even our apartment complex here has more than 300 residents!
Am just waiting for our next trip now :).
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