Pre-emptive military strategies
Bush just lost half of his personality! After suffering a drubbing defeat in both houses of the parliament, he had to appoint a new defense secretary. Donald Rumsfeld, who had a stranglehold on the flawed American military strategies (all based on a bed of lies and assumptions) had to step down and give way to a more moderate Robert Gates. Even while stepping down, Mr.Rumsfeld was his belligerent self advising the government not to relax on it's pre-emptive military strategy against Iraq because of "moral and intellectual confusion". Come on Mr.Rumsfeld..we all know the facts.
Iraq was attacked on the basis of a few satellite reports that "showed" fixed/mobile centers for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I still remember that report in TIME that talked about why Iraq was a potential target and how cliched the usage of WMD had become then..and after so many years of digging, searching, excavating :), what do they find? Zilch!! and what happened next? Tune changed citing that the war was to oust Saddam, the terrorist mentioning that he was the worst thing to happen to this world, caused genocide etc etc ...and they do find him..Where? In a hole. I actually expected to see him on the top of a nuclear warhead from the din that was going on..and did anything change? Yes Yes, it did..New "heroes" like Al-Sadr emerged and Iraqis started coming across as a united bunch, well actually two bunches and what happened to Saddam's genocide? Well, it continued .. only change is that the numbers are bigger now!!.. Attacks between Shias and Sunnis have increased and hundreds are dying every day..much worser than what happened during Saddam's reign. I don't have much respect for Saddam, but he atleast had the country in control! WMD's are gone, Saddam will soon be history and the latest tune is that the administration is striving to bring in democracy to an oppressed, anarchy-driven nation and of course this is being forced upon them...Huh, you are targetting oppression, but trying to suppress common sentiment at the same time?
Democracy with force/pressure. Can't get worse..
I am very happy to see Rumsfeld step down. I wish Cheney does that soon too. That leaves Rice and Bush. I had the impression that Rice counted for policies here, but now feel that she is just a puppet with an attitude, a very bad one..That leaves us with George W.Bush Jr. Well, he will just be a kid with no personality. Let's him play. Let him compose his silly poems and let him make a fool of himself as always...We chose him, so we bear the consequences!!
Iraq was attacked on the basis of a few satellite reports that "showed" fixed/mobile centers for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I still remember that report in TIME that talked about why Iraq was a potential target and how cliched the usage of WMD had become then..and after so many years of digging, searching, excavating :), what do they find? Zilch!! and what happened next? Tune changed citing that the war was to oust Saddam, the terrorist mentioning that he was the worst thing to happen to this world, caused genocide etc etc ...and they do find him..Where? In a hole. I actually expected to see him on the top of a nuclear warhead from the din that was going on..and did anything change? Yes Yes, it did..New "heroes" like Al-Sadr emerged and Iraqis started coming across as a united bunch, well actually two bunches and what happened to Saddam's genocide? Well, it continued .. only change is that the numbers are bigger now!!.. Attacks between Shias and Sunnis have increased and hundreds are dying every day..much worser than what happened during Saddam's reign. I don't have much respect for Saddam, but he atleast had the country in control! WMD's are gone, Saddam will soon be history and the latest tune is that the administration is striving to bring in democracy to an oppressed, anarchy-driven nation and of course this is being forced upon them...Huh, you are targetting oppression, but trying to suppress common sentiment at the same time?
Democracy with force/pressure. Can't get worse..
I am very happy to see Rumsfeld step down. I wish Cheney does that soon too. That leaves Rice and Bush. I had the impression that Rice counted for policies here, but now feel that she is just a puppet with an attitude, a very bad one..That leaves us with George W.Bush Jr. Well, he will just be a kid with no personality. Let's him play. Let him compose his silly poems and let him make a fool of himself as always...We chose him, so we bear the consequences!!
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